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Here's an opportunity to do something that will impact the community.
There are many ways to volunteer, from becoming an EMT to helping with a committee.
Let us know how you can help:
ARS Volunteer Today

ARS Volunteer Today

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What are the requirements to become a member?
We require that you be age 16 or older and have a strong desire to help your community. For potential members still in high school, we offer an Explorer Program (Post 79) through BSA to learn the workings of EMS without the time commitment of full membership.
What kind of time commitment do I have to make? 
We can be flexible with scheduling if you have other commitments. We will work to help you get trained and comfortable as a provider. Training night is once a month in the evening and as you progress with training, you could be part of a crew responding at night. It could take you a few months to get trained as an EMR (Emergency Medical Responder). 
Do I need to have any EMS experience?
No prior EMS experience is required. Once you have been on the squad for about six months, we will sponsor you for an EMR/EMT class.
Who are your current members and what are their backgrounds?
We have members with all different backgrounds: carpenter, realtor, nurse, medical assistant, teacher/students, business owner, police officer, and many more. The diversity of our membership is what makes us an interesting place to volunteer.
What area do you serve?
We are the primary ambulance service for the towns of Arlington, Sandgate, Sunderland, and North Shaftsbury. We frequently respond to other calls in Manchester and Bennington when their primary ambulances are out on calls and not able to provide an immediate response.
Do I need to live in your service area to be a member?
Yes. Our members respond to calls 24/7 from within our service area. We do have a day crew from 6am to 6pm that is made up of crew members that do live outside the service area. (We continue to recruit day crew members. Please see the Employment tab at the top of the page for more information.)
What is involved in learning to drive the ambulance?
We have an involved checklist that goes from learning the basics to how to drive through traffic with lights and sirens. The process takes three to six months depending on how many calls you get during your shifts.
How busy will I be when I am on duty?
That depends. We average around 600 calls per year. The winter tends to be busier with falls and more car crashes. Daytime shifts account for 75 percent of calls. Our active members run between 20 and 60 calls a year depending on which shift they run. We occasionally have days with more than five calls in one shift and some days with no calls. Each call takes between an hour and a half and three hours to complete depending on its location and type of call.
What do you do when you aren’t out on calls?
Crews have a few chores during each shift as well as complete a rig check to make sure everything on the truck is accounted for and working properly. Outside of chores and calls, crews can watch TV or enjoy our internet. Crews are allowed to be out for meals as long as they keep a pager with them and stay in Arlington.
How will I know if I can handle the gruesome calls?
If you faint at the sight of blood you may want to reconsider applying. Otherwise, it is hard to know how you’ll do. 95% of our calls are pretty routine and not that exciting. The other 5% range from big trauma to cardiac events and strokes. Before joining we ask that potential members do a ride-along with us to get a better idea of what our ambulance service is about. If there is something you just can’t handle on a call, more experienced members are usually willing to let you ride upfront. Everyone, even seasoned veterans, have their triggers. After reading this I’m interested in joining.
What are the next steps?
Complete the online application from our website, once we receive your application we’ll have you in for a ride-along/interview, we’ll check your references and our board of directors will vote on your application. Once accepted you’ll be a probationary member for the next six months. If all goes well you’ll be voted on as a full member around the six-month mark. 
If you have any questions that weren’t covered send us an email or call. 802-375-6589

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Membership

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Arlington Rescue Squad Inc.

66 Chittenden Drive, PO Box 295, Arlington, VT 05250

802-375-6589 office

802-375-2716 fax

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